Generally it is the inside that counts. Sounds weird, coming from a brand that delivers made-to-size garments? Well, if we’re honest, the outside does get a lot more attention than the inside does. However, during your visit to our shop your tailor is bound to ask you “have you thought about the lining?” To prevent you sitting there wondering why and what a lining is, here’s a -quite literal- behind the scenes look. First let’s get the specifics out of the way: what is a “lining”? The lining of a garment is a piece of cloth or fabric that is sewn in underneath the main layer of fabric. It conceals the interfacing, padding and seams inside. Furthermore, lining is added because it can prevent transparancy, it can add a warming-element to your cloth, it can provide comfort that your fabric might not and it can even strengthen the structure of your garment. All that is interesting, but the truth is: you don’t see the lining while wearing it.